AUTOGRAPHED LIMITED EDITION Hayley Wickenheiser Signature Series Prints


This is a LIMITED (#/222) autographed print of a drawing I did of Hayley Wickenheiser.  Hayley is one of the greatest hockey players of all-time, that is regardless of gender.  I remember watching her dominate the ice for over a decade while leading Team Canada to numerous Olympic and World titles.  She is an inspiration and I am proud of this pencil drawing which took 42 hours to complete.

 Artwork size: 13x16" (14x17" with artist auto and numbering)

We had 222 prints made for Hayley to personally sign.  

Artwork will be accompanied with a certificate of authenticity and has the option of being framed with or without UV resistant anti-glare art glass (not pictured) for an additional fee.  Please contact us for framing if desired.


Unframed 13x16" Autographed Print: $199.99 CAD*

I cannot reserve certain numbered prints for customers. Prints numbers will be fulfilled at random. Limit 1 per customer.  

* Shipping and applicable taxes extra.